Playing Age Of Empires 1 Without Cd Networking Two Computers To Play Age Of Empires?

Networking two computers to play Age of Empires? - playing age of empires 1 without cd

Hey there.
We have two separate networks at home. A network has 2 computers in it (like a cable modem), the other is still 2 and DSL.
(Two families were brought together in a house is the relationship between the two networks by the way)
We now try a head-game Age of Empires from a computer on the network 1 to play on another computer on the network 2?

Is it possible to play without a game in the open air site.

What happens when a network.

Thank you to everyone


k0rben.d... said...

Yes you can, but it is a relatively complex procedure for the layman. (you can configure your router / firewall, opening ports * for other Internet-based computer to your computer, reorientation of communication to the port of AOE computers on your LAN to connect to ...)

The best way now would be connected only with two computers on the same LAN * *. Connect the two play on the same router.

If the router is a DHCP server, no firewall software on your PC (still dirty things) to be created (in the best ... installed)

darcymc said...

Sorry, I do not know the answer to your question, but I wanted to say that I use for completely dependent AOE ... lol forgot .. nervous! Good luck with your question ..

SGT_R0ck said...

This should work well, you need to connect two networks with a router, the connection between the Ethernet ports (most routers offer small-Port Ethernet Switch End)

I recommend to combine them all into a single network, it will be easier in the future.

Another problem, if it is a router and AOE is not compatible with the connection on the IP address directly? (In other words, you can enter an IP address to connect to connect to a multiplayer game), then you can not link because the parties do not forward broadcast use (the router.

Some high-end routers can, but they are expensive and difficult to program

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