What is normally done in a periodontal cleaning? - periodontal procedures
My dentist recommended that I have done this cleanse, and while I am pleased with the dental work is concerned, I have researched the procedure on the Internet, and also said it is usually in several stages, sometimes 4 or 5 and lasts about an hour under craping gums.
Well, I went and now they have only scratched the teeth, as for normal cleaning. No polish, no fluoride, no dental floss ..... and lasted for about thirty.
It's not as if hurt, but the question is: My dental insurance pays 100% for the regular cleaning and only 25% for both periods. I stayed as I more regular cleaning! Should I ask her what happens in the office? I work in the fields of insurance, so I'm a little care, they rob me.
Periodontal Procedures What Is Normally Done In A Periodontal Cleaning?
1:45 AM
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