3d Apartment Extrem How Do I Make A Model Apartment?

How do i make a model apartment? - 3d apartment extrem

yes I am looking for someone who to me are the steps to a flat wooden model for my English class in grade 10 we are reading a Rasin in the Sun and I have a 3D model can run the casing


mariner3... said...

"A Raisin in the Sun" ... Should there be an overview of the house opposite case (if I remember my days) after the game.

If your school is using Microsoft Office, search the computer a program called Microsoft Visio ... It is a graphics program to build a factory system, you can print on almost any scale. Most models are in the phase from-1 / 4 "= 1" on a large scale.

Now you can insert the floor plan (or sketch plan, which must itself) to a piece of thin wood (doorskin 1:8 cm), length or plywood to run into walls

You can then on the walls of wood or even less expensive foam panels can be cut base paper at the CRAFT section of most major drugs are purchased, almost every business.

You can also cut out furniture and cardboard.

Then, the color of the walls and furniture with paint, fabric, pictures from the Internet ... almost everything.

Good luck!

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